
Clipboard Actions Keys
Open Clipboard ⌥ V
Paste Item Release ⌥ while in Clipboard Mode
Next List Item V or ↑
Previous List Item Shift V or ↓
Copy Item C
Switch to Tab Mode TAB
Close Clipboard ESC

Clipboard Walkthrough

Highlight and copy these 3 text blocks to add to your clipboard history using CMD+C

<aside> 1️⃣ Hello World, copy me!


<aside> 2️⃣ Some text you want to save for later…


<aside> 3️⃣ (555)-555-5555


Tab Mode

Tab Actions Keys
Open Tab Mode ⌥ TAB
Open App/Thread Release ⌥ while in Tab Mode
Next Tab Item TAB
Previous Tab Item Shift TAB
Next List Item V or ↑
Previous List Item Shift V or ↓
Next Tilda Item ~
Previous Tilda Item Shift ~
Switch to Paste Mode S
Close Tab Mode ESC

Tabbing Walkthrough

Tab Mode (for apps)

Tilda/Feed Mode (for threads in Gmail/Superhuman)